Welcome to TJ’s BigheArt Drive, hosted by WILD and NAHS! On this site, you can purchase artwork created by fellow TJ students to support the Black Women's Health Imperative. Transactions are currently being done through Paypal. If you have any questions, feel free to email us or contact us through any of our social media platforms. From all of us at BigheArt, we thank you for your contribution!

about WILD

Women in Leadership and Development (WILD) is dedicated to empowering womxn in both the TJ community and our community as a whole. We encourage political involvement and promote intersectional feminism. At TJ, we’ve held donation drives and fundraisers for nearby women's shelters, encouraged civic engagement, and held campaigns for body positivity.

about NAHS

NAHS is Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology's chapter of National Art Honor Society. We aim to promote the arts and raise awareness of art education within the school, assist students in attaining their highest potential in art, and elevate community engagement.